Process innovation to achieve differentiation

We implement solutions that help you differentiate your company, optimizing the execution of your processes by studying the process itself and applying, if required, technology.

Retail companies base their strategy and growth on

Customer Service

They are dedicated to providing an exceptional customer experience, both at the digital level and physical approach (proximity stores, etc.). This focus on customer experience has become a key competitive advantage and a central pillar of its success. Every customer interaction is seen as an opportunity to build strong relationships and foster brand loyalty. This means offering agile solutions, a variety of purchasing options and a frictionless shopping experience.


Offering different customer access channels has given rise to more complex supply chains, ranging from logistics platforms to direct delivery to the end customer (in its multiple modalities). In this context, supply chain automation is playing a key role in improving operational efficiency.

Operational efficiency

In this sector, we work in large logistics centers as well as in stores and supermarkets. For this reason, there are complex supply chains, often within the same company. Optimizing and integrating this chain in the information systems is essential to achieve the efficiency required by the strategies defined...

Generation of additional purchases

Through solutions that help, on the one hand, to increase the size of the basket and, on the other hand, to increase customer loyalty.

At Tech id, we are committed to help you work on the differentiation of your company by optimizing the execution of your processes through the study of the process itself and applying, if required, technology. In this way it is possible to integrate the information generated in your company’s corporate systems (ERP, WMS, POS,…).


A solution that enables accurate inventory and management is essential for making business decisions and implementing ecommerce and omnichannel strategies. Maintaining inventory quality (inventory identification) not only physically but also logically, offers the possibility to work with proper traceability.

At Tech Id we are focused on the optimization and digitization of operational processes, but without forgetting that one of the inherent results of any process is always to improve or maintain the quality of the inventory, both logical and physical.


A solution that enables accurate inventory and management is essential for making business decisions and implementing ecommerce and omnichannel strategies. Maintaining inventory quality (inventory identification) not only physically but also logically, offers the possibility to work with proper traceability.

At Tech Id we are focused on the optimization and digitization of operational processes, but without forgetting that one of the inherent results of any process is always to improve or maintain the quality of the inventory, both logical and physical.


Delivery method for processes and orders taken from ecommerce, which replaces home delivery, offering the customer the option to pick up their purchase in-store or at a designated pick-up point.

To offer the customer the best service not only includes the preparation and delivery on time, but it is essential to inform the customer correctly and on time by giving him the tracking of his order. That is why in the case of click&collect it is actually many well-integrated processes.


Delivery method for processes and orders taken from ecommerce, which replaces home delivery, offering the customer the option to pick up their purchase in-store or at a designated pick-up point.

To offer the customer the best service not only includes the preparation and delivery on time, but it is essential to inform the customer correctly and on time by giving him the tracking of his order. That is why in the case of click&collect it is actually many well-integrated processes.

Queue management

A queue management solution for a Retail Food business optimizes the customer experience, reducing waiting times and in turn helps to improve the organization of the establishment.

Queue management

A queue management solution for a Retail Food business optimizes the customer experience, reducing waiting times and in turn helps to improve the organization of the establishment.

Mobile Worker

The use of mobile devices allows streamlining workflows, accessing corporate applications, communicating and collaborating among employees, and assisting customers on the sales floor.

Mobile Worker

The use of mobile devices allows streamlining workflows, accessing corporate applications, communicating and collaborating among employees, and assisting customers on the sales floor.

Asset Tracking and Tracing

The investment made in the company’s assets is very high, and a solution is needed to position the critical assets, and at the same time integrate this information with the management and control systems.

Increasingly, supply chain circuits are becoming more integrated and collaborative between plants and companies. This is why in many cases interconnection links and nodes are generated that manage and overlap the assets of companies. On these occasions, it is essential to have fixed asset tracking and management systems that offer innovative solutions for sharing information and managing assets.

Asset Tracking and Tracing

The investment made in the company’s assets is very high, and a solution is needed to position the critical assets, and at the same time integrate this information with the management and control systems.

Increasingly, supply chain circuits are becoming more integrated and collaborative between plants and companies. This is why in many cases interconnection links and nodes are generated that manage and overlap the assets of companies. On these occasions, it is essential to have fixed asset tracking and management systems that offer innovative solutions for sharing information and managing assets.


Price relabeling occurs when prices need to be revised and updated. It is a costly process that can be improved by using mobile devices such as printers and code readers. When this process is very frequent, it is recommended to switch to a digital solution called ESL (Electronic Label), which saves time and avoids errors.

It is also important to take into account the repricing policies for products and merchandise based on lot and/or expiration date. Once again, the quality of the inventory is fundamental to this.


Price relabeling occurs when prices need to be revised and updated. It is a costly process that can be improved by using mobile devices such as printers and code readers. When this process is very frequent, it is recommended to switch to a digital solution called ESL (Electronic Label), which saves time and avoids errors.
It is also important to take into account the repricing policies for products and merchandise based on lot and/or expiration date. Once again, the quality of the inventory is fundamental to this.

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