Innovation in Customer Service

The non-food retail sector is where there is a great variety of companies and products. It is a sector where innovation in customer service, operations and marketing is constant.

Retail companies base their strategy and growth on:
Customer Service
Enhance brand image

At Tech ID, we are committed to help you work on the differentiation of your company by optimizing the execution of your processes through the study of the process itself and applying, if required, technology. In this way it is possible to integrate the information generated into your company’s corporate systems (ERP, WMS, POS,…).


Omnichannel strategies require accurate inventory, which is why it has become a top priority.

Applying technological solutions helps to innovate in the process itself but also to digitize the physical movements that are made, thus being able to integrate the necessary information in the corporate systems, from which the omnichannel platforms are fed.


Omnichannel strategies require accurate inventory, which is why it has become a top priority.

Applying technological solutions helps to innovate in the process itself but also to digitize the physical movements that are made, thus being able to integrate the necessary information in the corporate systems, from which the omnichannel platforms are fed.


Price relabeling occurs when prices need to be revised and updated. It is a costly process that can be improved by using mobile devices such as printers and bar code readers.

When this process is very frequent, it is recommended to switch to a digital solution called ESL (Electronic Label), which saves time and avoids errors.


Price relabeling occurs when prices need to be revised and updated. It is a costly process that can be improved by using mobile devices such as printers and bar code readers.

When this process is very frequent, it is recommended to switch to a digital solution called ESL (Electronic Label), which saves time and avoids errors.


The management of pickups and/or deliveries through the click and collect method requires multiple tasks (from order taking, picking, to delivery) within a global process that requires the sharing of information across multiple channels and platforms.

That is why the correct execution is essential to provide the right service to the customer, but it is also essential to manage the information generated. The application of technologies in the processes helps to have the right information at the right place at the right time.


The management of pickups and/or deliveries through the click and collect method requires multiple tasks (from order taking, picking, to delivery) within a global process that requires the sharing of information across multiple channels and platforms.

That is why the correct execution is essential to provide the right service to the customer, but it is also essential to manage the information generated. The application of technologies in the processes helps to have the right information at the right place at the right time.

Returns and Reverse Logistics Management

Returns or reverse logistics becomes a very complex process due to the multiple and different channels through which it can occur, as well as the need to manage very small batches of product.

Not having an optimized reverse logistics operation sometimes even leads to product scrap. Therefore, it is clear that the operational, customer service and merchandise costs are enormous. By applying traceability strategies and applying technologies in the execution of your processes, it is possible to minimize all these costs, giving an optimal service to your customer.

Returns management or reverse logistics

Returns or reverse logistics becomes a very complex process due to the multiple and different channels through which it can occur, as well as the need to manage very small batches of product.

Not having an optimized reverse logistics operation sometimes even leads to product scrap. Therefore, it is clear that the operational, customer service and merchandise costs are enormous. By applying traceability strategies and applying technologies in the execution of your processes, it is possible to minimize all these costs, giving an optimal service to your customer.

Mobile Worker

The use of mobile devices allows streamlining workflows, accessing corporate applications, communicating and collaborating among employees, and assisting customers on the sales floor.

Mobile Worker

The use of mobile devices allows streamlining workflows, accessing corporate applications, communicating and collaborating among employees, and assisting customers on the sales floor.

Asset Tracking and Tracing

The investment made in the company’s assets is very high, and a solution is needed to trace and manage those critical assets, and at the same time integrate this information with the management and control systems.

Asset Tracking and Tracing

The investment made in the company’s assets is very high, and a solution is needed to trace and manage those critical assets, and at the same time integrate this information with the management and control systems.



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